2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Warm (and hot) Jupiters (WJs/HJs) are Jovian-mass exoplanets orbiting their host-stars on close in orbits (HJ separation: a<1; WJ: 0.1<a<1 AU). Such massive planets are thought to form far from their host star, and later migrate inwards to their currently observed locations (CITE). However, suggested disk migration and (tidal) high-eccentricity migration models face major difficulties in reproducing HJ/WJs. Although tidal migration models partially succeed in explaining the close-in HJs, the wider orbits of WJs which put them beyond the influence of tides, are difficult to explain in this context. Here we show that accounting for the (currently neglected) pre - main-sequence (PMS) evolution of the host stars fundamentally changes this picture. The larger radius of early-stage PMS stars give rise to orders of magnitude stronger tidal dissipation making tidal (high-eccentricity) migration effective at significantly larger separations and shorter time. Moreover, the later contraction of the PMS stars quenches the tidal effects, thereby allowing for both initial fast tidal migration, and a later migration "freeze-out", positioning the planet at intermediate distances from the host-star and producing HJs/WJs-configurations inaccessible to previously explored-scenarios. We conclude that the coupling of pre-MS host-star evolution with planetary dynamics play is critical for understanding the build-up of planetary systems and their architectures, and can explain rapid production of both hot and warm Jupiters.