Quantum Monte Carlo study of the nematic quantum critical point in a metal

  Yoni Schattner [1]  ,  Samuel Lederer [2]  ,  Erez Berg [1]  ,  Steven A. Kivelson [2]  
[1] Weizmann Institute of Science
[2] Stanford University

The coupling of fermions to gapless collective modes can lead to interesting critical phenomena, non-Fermi-liquid behavior and/or superconductivity. As an example for such a system, we present a sign-problem free lattice model of quantum-critical Ising-nematic bosons coupled to fermions in two dimensions. Determinantal Quantum Monte-Carlo simulations show a second order nematic transition at low temperatures. As the transition is approached, we find evidence of non-Fermi-liquid behavior. At the temperature scales accessible to us, we find no traces of superconductivity.