Quantum Simualtion of the Haldane Phase with trapped ions

  Itsik Cohen  ,  Alex Retzker  
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Givat Ram, Israe

Quantum Simulation of the Haldane Phase Using Trapped Ions


A proposal to use trapped ions to simulate spin-one XXZ antiferromagnetic (AFM) chains as an experimental tool to explore the Haldane phase is presented. We explain how to reach the Haldane phase adiabatically,demonstrate the robustness of the ground states to noise in the magnetic field and Rabi frequencies, and proposea way to detect them using their characterizations: an excitation gap and exponentially decaying correlations,a nonvanishing nonlocal string order and a double degenerate entanglement spectrum. Scaling up to higher
dimensions and more frustrated lattices, we obtain richer phase diagrams, and we can reach spin liquid phase, which can be detected by its entanglement entropy which obeys the boundary law.