Reconstructing the nature of the first cosmic sources from the anisotropic 21-cm signal

  Aviad Cohen [1]  ,  Rennan Barkana [1]  ,  Anastasia Fialkov [2]  
[1] Tel Aviv University
[2] Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris


The redshifted 21-cm background is expected to be a powerful probe of the early Universe bearing both cosmological and astrophysical information from a wide range of redshifts.
We use semi-numerical computational methods to generate histories of the 21-cm signal, accounting for the inhomogeneous backgrounds of Lyman-alpha, X-ray, Lyman-Werner and ionizing radiation. 
In particular, the power spectrum of fluctuations in the 21-cm brightness temperature is anisotropic due to the line-of-sight velocity gradient produced by the density fluctuations, and in this talk I will show how we can extract from it information about the earliest heating sources.