Role of magnetic inhomogeneity in the proximity induced triplet superconductivity at ferromagnet/superconductor interfaces

  Yoav Kalcheim [1]  ,  Tal Kirzhner [2]  ,  Gad Koren [2]  ,  Mehmet Egilmez [3]  ,  Angelo di Bernardo [3]   ,  Mark Balmire [3]  ,  Jason Robinson [3]  ,  Oded Millo [1]  
[1] Hebrew University
[2] Technion
[3] University of Cambridge

Evidence for long-ranged superconductor proximity effects in superconductor-ferromagnetic (S-F) systems has recently been reported. This effect is attributed to the formation of triplet-pair correlations due to various forms of magnetic inhomogeneities at S-F interfaces. In order to investigate this conjecture we performed scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements on La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) ferromagnetic thin-films grown on high temperature oxide superconducting films of YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) or Pr1.85Ca0.15CuO4 (PCCO) as a function of magnetic field. We observe a strong correlation between the enhancement and suppression of superconductor-related spectral features measured on LCMO to magnetic inhomogeneity under the influence of external magnetic field. This corroborates theoretical predictions regarding the role played by magnetic inhomogeneities in promoting triplet-pairing at S-F interfaces.