Spinoptical Metasurface Route to Spin-Controlled Photonics

  Nir Shitrit  ,  Igor Yulevich  ,  Elhanan Maguid  ,  Dror Ozeri  ,  Dekel Veksler  ,  Vladimir Kleiner  ,  Erez Hasman  
Micro and Nanooptics Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel

Spinoptics provides a route to control light, whereby the photon helicity (spin angular momentum) degeneracy is removed due to a geometric gradient onto a metasurface. The alliance of spinoptics and metamaterials offers the dispersion engineering of a structured matter in a polarization helicity dependent manner. We show that polarization-controlled optical modes of metamaterials arise where the spatial inversion symmetry is violated [1]. The emerged spin-split dispersion of spontaneous emission originates from the spin-orbit interaction of light, generating a selection rule based on symmetry restrictions in a spinoptical metamaterial. The inversion asymmetric metasurface is obtained via anisotropic optical antenna patterns. This type of metamaterial provides a route for spin-controlled nanophotonic applications based on the design of the metasurface symmetry properties.



N. Shitrit, I. Yulevich, E. Maguid, D. Ozeri, D. Veksler, V. Kleiner, and E. Hasman, Science 340, 724 (2013).