2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
We consider a one-dimensional interacting Bose gas described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) with an attractive cubic nonlinearity.
In addition to well-known bright solitons, such equation also has higher-order solutions, in particular 2-solitons, alias breathers. We consider the evolution
of the breather interacting with a suddenly emerging narrow potential barrier, which is a situation with direct applications to nonlinear optics and BEC.
Depending on the barrier's height and initial position of the center of the breather, it may either split into constituent solitons or start moving as a whole. By means
of systematic simulations, we explore outcomes of the interaction in the parameter space of the model with both attractive and repulsive linear barriers, as well
as with repulsive nonlinear ones. We show that the ratio of the amplitudes of the emerging free solitons may be different from the expected 3:1 relation, exhibiting,
in general, rather complex patterns. We identify the limit position of the breather that separates the splitting regime and unidirectional motion, and compare it with
an analytical estimate, that provides a close value.