SrTiO3 domain walls and their effect on conduction at nearby layers

  Yiftach Frenkel  ,  Beena Kalisky  
Bar-Ilan University, Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Ramat-Gan, Israel.


Polarity at SrTiO3 ferroelastic domain walls was recently suggested by reflectometry measurements. I will describe our investigation of the possible influence such polarity could have on electronic states of nearby conducting layers. We tracked the electrical response to local pressure applied to the sample. These measurements revealed maps of stripy features where the response to stress was much greater than their surroundings. We relate these stripes to SrTiO3 domain walls, and suggest that SrTiO3 domain walls are effectively local gates. These local gates can be manipulated using external stress and control the electronic behavior of a nearby interface.