Testing the standard model using trapped metastable neon isotopes

  Ben Ohayon  ,  Yoni Shalibo  ,  Guy Ron  
Hebrew University

In this talk I will review our progress in developing a highly efficient atomic trap setup for different isotopes of metastable neon.

We aim conduct high precision experiments in atomic and nuclear physics. For efficient trapping, a high intensity, slow, atomic beam is desired. Therefore we have built (or are currently constructing) different apparatus utilizing aspects of atom optics (laser-cooling), plasma physics and laser spectroscopy.

Natural atom traps offer the promise of improving several broad classes of experiments with radioactive isotopes. For nuclear beta-decay, precise measurements of the kinematic correlations between the emitted positron and neutrino test the standard model of the weak interaction. These correlations are sensitive to scalar and tensor current interactions which are suggested by some beyond standard model theories.