2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Ultracold Fermi gases offer exceptional tunability of many physical parameters, such as the interaction strength, spin polarization, density, and temperature. They are particularly well-suited for characterization of the thermodynamics and excitation spectrum of quantum phases. In almost all experiments, the atomic cloud is held in an inhomogeneous potential, and as a result, the atomic density is not uniform. This broadens macroscopic observables and obscures the identification of phases that occupy only a narrow region of space. A straightforward solution is to hold the atoms in a "box" trap, namely a confining potential which is mostly dark and has sharply rising repulsive walls. We have constructed such a trap in our lab and loaded it with a degenerate Fermi gas. We present preliminary results and our progress towards high sensitivity rf spectroscopy measurements with a homogeneous strongly-interacting Fermi gas [1].
[1] Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 093402 (2018)