Triangular Bose-Hubbard trimer as a minimal model for a superfluid circuit

  Geva Arwas  
Ben Gurion University

The triangular Bose-Hubbard trimer is topologically the minimal model for a BEC superfluid
circuit. As a dynamical system of two coupled freedoms it has mixed phase-space with chaotic
dynamics. We employ a semiclassical perspective to study triangular trimer physics beyond the
conventional picture of the superfluid-to-insulator transition. From the analysis of the Peierls-
Nabarro energy landscape, we deduce the various regimes in the (Ω, u) parameter-space, where u
is the interaction, and Ω is the superfluid rotation-velocity. We thus characterize the superfluid-
stability and chaoticity of the many-body eigenstates throughout the Hilbert space.