XENON100 recent results on WIMP and non WIMP searches

  Nadav Priel  
Weizmann Institute of Science

XENON100, the current phase of the XENON dark matter search program, consists in a dual phase time-projection chamber operated at the LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) and is the longest running liquid xenon detector to date.
We present our most recent results, based on the data collected from February 2011 to April 2012, for a total of 225 live days.
A description of the analysis procedure, which exploits new xenon structure functions calculation, excellent understanding of the detector response and of the profile likelihood statistical approach will be given. 
In addition to standard WIMP search we are also performing non-WIMP dark matter searches, based on the axio-electric effect for solar and galactic axion interaction with xenon. An update on the analysis will be given.