Astrophysics (theory)

Chair Information
Uri Keshet

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:30-17:00 (invited) Boaz Katz [1] We believe type Ia supernovae are direct White Dwarf-White Dwarf collisions in triple stellar systems
We show that a few percent of moderately hierarchical triple systems consisting of 2 white dwarfs and an additional slig...
17:00-17:15 Aviad Cohen [1] Reconstructing the nature of the first cosmic sources from the anisotropic 21-cm signal
17:15-17:30 Tal Alexander Rapid black hole formation in the early universe
Mass accretion by black holes (BHs) is typically capped at the Eddington rate, whenradiation's push balances gravity's p...
17:30-17:45 Asaf Pe'er[1] A two-component jet model for the tidal disruption event Swift J164449.3+573451
I present analysis of both the early and late time radio and X-ray data of the tidal disruption event Swift J1644+57.
17:45-18:00 Elad Steinberg Should We Move to Moving Mesh?
Recently a new type of hydrodynamical simulations based on a Voronoi Moving Mesh have been introduced.