Quantum information

Chair Information
Hagai Eisenberg

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:30-15:00 (invited) David Gershoni Quantum Optics with Semiconductor Quantum Dots.
Abstract: I will discuss and demonstrate coherent optical initialization, full control and readout of two spin qubits in...
15:00-15:15 Itay Shomroni Demonstration of Weak Measurement based on Atomic Spontaneous Emission
The concept of weak measurement was introduced by Aharonov, Albert and Vaidman in 1988, as a part of time-symmetric form...
15:15-15:30 E. Poem Proposed ultrafast optical control and broadband optical quantum memory with neutral nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
Optical spin manipulation relies on spin-orbit coupling, a relativistic effect. In the nitrogen
15:30-15:45 I. Cohen Dressed states for quantum gates and quantum simulation with trapped ions
Quantum systems are sensitive to many noise sources that reduce the fidelity of the quantum information.
15:45-16:00 Yaakov Shaked Measuring Bright Two-mode Squeezing without an External Local Oscillator
We present a direct measurement of bright two-mode quadrature squeezing, by mixing the two mode squeezed oscillation wit...