Astrophysics - Observational

Chair Information
Hagai Perets
Chairman details: 
Hagai Perets (Technion)
Eng. 329
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:15-14:35 (invited) Eran Ofek Supernova precursors
Some supernovae show evidence for eruptions, characterized by increased luminosity and likely mass ejection, months to y...
14:35-14:55 (invited) Shai Kaspi Measuring supermassive black hole masses: where we are, where we are going
14:55-15:10 Barak Zackay Proper astronomical image processing - Solving the problems of image coaddition and image subtraction
While co-addition and subtraction of astronomical images stand at the heart of observational astronomy, the existing so...
15:10-15:25 David Polishook The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Objects Survey: breaking down the size limit
Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) give us unique opportunity to study the smallest of asteroids when they pass next the Earth.
15:25-15:40 Shlomi Hillel [1] Heating the intra-cluster medium by jet-inflated bubbles
We examine the heating of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) of cooling flow clusters of galaxies by jet-inflated bubbles a...
15:40-15:55 Peter Szabo [1] Numerical Solutions of Shock Breakouts from Optically Thick Circumstellar Winds
We present numerical solutions of the problem of non-relativistic, radiation mediated shock (RMS) breakouts from optical...