2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Session / Category / Sub-Categories | Chairperson |
Plenary -- Plenary lecture | Prof. Yaron Silberberg |
Review -- High energy and Astrophysics, Quantum and Solid state physics, Biophysics and Statistical Physics | Prof. Tomer Volansky Prof. Lior Klein Prof. Yariv Kafri |
Astrophysics -- Observational, Theory | Prof. Hagai Perets Prof. Tsvi Piran |
High Energy Physics -- High energy - experiment, High energy - theory | Prof. Tomer Volansky 0 Erez Etzion |
Quantum Physics -- Quantum foundations, Atomic and molecular physics, Quantum information, Photonics and optics, Ultracold atoms and molecules, Nuclear Physics | Prof. Lev Khaykovich Dr. Ofer Firstenberg Ron Folman Prof. Ron Guy Prof. Avi Pe'er |
Condensed Matter -- Topological phases and excitations, Strongly correlated electronic systems, Superconductivity and magnetism, Material physics and nanophysics, Condensed matter and mesoscopic physics | Dr. Beena Kalisky Prof. Assa Auerbach Prof. Efrat Shimshoni Dr. Hadar Steinberg Dr. Ehoud Pazy Dr. Eyal Yahel |
Statistical Mechanics -- Statistical physics, Soft matter, Nonequilibrium physics | Prof. Yitzhak Rabin Elisha Moses |
Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) -- Complexity in biological systems, plasma physics, Nonlinear dynamics, bio-physics | Prof. David Mukamel Prof. Avraham Be'er Dr. Anatoli Shlapakovski Elisha Moses Prof. Yitzhak Rabin |
Applied Physics -- Applied physics, Physics in industry | Yossi Paltiel |