IPS Conference 2015


IPS conference 2015

  The 61st annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society will be held December 13, 2015 at the Wohl convention center of Bar-Ilan University (Ramat-Gan)

BIU image+logo


Confirmed Speakers


Viatcheslav Mukhanov, LMU Munich (Max Plank Medal 2015) - Quantum Universe
Immanuel Bloch, MPQ Munich - Probing and Controlling Quantum Matter in Artificial Crystals of Light


Statistical and bio-physics:       

Martin R. Evans, University of Edinburgh
Nathalie Q. Balaban, Hebrew University

Condensed matter and AMO:  

Andrew Kent, New York University
Nir Davidson, Weizmann Institute

High Energy and Astrophysics: 

Eli Waxman, Weizmann Institute
Erez Etzion, Tel Aviv University

