2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
You are cordially invited to join the meeting.
Opening remarks:
Prof. Daniel Hershkovitz - Israel Minister of Science and Technology
Prof. Moshe Kaveh - President of Bar Ilan University.
Keynote lectures:
David Spergel, Princeton University, USA:
The new standard cosmology; Dark matter, dark energy and the beginning of the universe
Stefan Hell, Max Planck Institute, Goettingen, Germany:
Far field optical nanoscopy
Session A7 (Quantum Information) will take place in room 106.
Session B9 (Educational Physics) will take place in room 239.
Important notices:
Welcome note
Bar Ilan University welcomes all participants of the 55th annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society. The meeting will take place in the northern campus which was not yet built in the last IPS meeting held at BIU six years ago. You are all welcome to visit the new nano-center building which is being occupied these very days.
This year's meeting consists of two plenary talks, one opening the day and the other closing it. The first will be given by David Spergel from Princeton dealing with cosmology and the second by Stephan Hell from Goettingen on nanoscopy. We therefore cover over 36 orders of magnitude throughout the day. As in previous years, we will have three review sessions. These include talks which are meant for a broad audience on a central topic; hence they do not require being an expert in the field in order to participate.
We also have 18 parallel sessions on specific fields in physics. Unlike the past two meetings, we have limited the number of contributed talks. Each session chair was given the freedom to construct the session as he saw fit. As a result, some sessions include invited talks and the contributed talks may slightly vary in length. Please refer to program for details on specific sessions.
We have put a large emphasis on the poster session which is held on the first floor of the engineering building in parallel with the lunch break. Two hours have been dedicated for this session. Part of lunch will be served in the poster area and everyone is welcome to view and discuss the posters. We will be giving prizes for best posters in four different categories.
This year there will be a large trade fair. 15 companies will be presenting in the main lobby of the engineering building. I encourage everyone to visit them.
I would like to thank the members of the organizing committee, Yuval Garini who did most of the work organizing this conference and Efrat Shimshoni who assisted with the scientific organization. I thank all session chairs for their help. I am grateful to the Bar Ilan physics department and its students for assistance in running the meeting.
I wish everyone a useful and enjoyable meeting
Aviad Frydman, Chair of the organizing committee
We would like to thank our sponsors for their contribution to the meeting: