2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Daria Prilutsky [1,2,3] Boris Rogachev [4] |
Department of Virology,... |
Fast Classification of Pathological Processes in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Based on Blood Samples | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Noa Kurzweil Eugene Kogan |
The Department of physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, I... | Itinerant Ferromagnetism in the electronic localization limit | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Ze'ev Shpilman [1,2] Irina Gouzman [1] |
Space Environment Secti... |
Interaction of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Thin Films with Atomic Oxygen | A9 : Material Physics |
Yacov Kantor [1] Mehran Kardar [2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Statistical Mechanics of Elongated Hard Particles in One Dimension | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
Eran Segev Oren Suchoi |
Quantum Engineering Lab., Department of Electrical Engineeri... | Self-Oscillations in a superconducting stripline Resonator integrated with a DC-Squid | A7 : Quantum information |
Shelomo I. Ben-Abraham | Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University, IL-84105 Beer-... | Quasiregular heterostuctures and double-sided substitution sequences | A9 : Material Physics |
A.L. Grinberg [1] A. Herman [2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Monitoring cryotherapy with interventional MRI: Studies of umbilical cord | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Herzel Aharoni [1] Monuko du Plessis [2] |
Department of Electrica... |
Proposed Model for the Effect of Microplasmas Properties on the Light Emission Spectrum from Single Crystal Reverse Biased Silicon PN Junctions | A9 : Material Physics |
Lior Turgeman [1] Shai Carmi [1] |
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University | A Fractional Schrodinger Equation for non-Brownian Functionals | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
Eli Kraisler [1,2] Guy Makov [2,3] |
Raymond and Beverley Sa... |
Density-functional calculations for atomic systems. The treatment of non-pure-state v-representable densities. | A9 : Material Physics |
Aviram Gur [1] Ran Aharoni [1] |
School of Engineering a... |
Fully Lensless Microscopy based on Sub-Wavelength Non-Periodic Holes Array Plate | A8 : Optics |
Shahar Hirshfeld Steve Lipson |
Physics Dept, Technion, Haifa | Measuring Directly the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light. | A8 : Optics |
Ran Aharoni [1.2.3] Moshe Sinvani [1.2] |
School of Engineering,... |
All-Optical Fiber-Integrated Silicon based Modulator | A8 : Optics |
Gregory Samelsohn | Holon Institute of Technology | Diffusing wave tomography of time-varying random media | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Kobi Barkan [1] Ron Lifshitz [1] |
School of Physics &... |
Stability of soft quasicrystals composed of isotropic particles | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Dan Klarman David Andelman |
Tel-Aviv University | A Simple Model for Contact Angle Saturation in Electrowetting Systems | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Naomi Oppenheimer Haim Diamant |
Tel-Aviv University | Correlated diffusion of membrane proteins | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
A. Sharypov A. Eilam |
Bar-Ilan University | Phase-dependent propagation in a two-level system with intermediate states | A8 : Optics |
Revital Kopeliansky Avner Shaulov |
Bar-Ilan University | Possibility of vortex structural phase transition in the superconducting pnictide BaFe1.8Co0.2As2 | A2 : Superconductivity & Magnetisem I |
Roie Shlomovitz Nir Gov |
Weizmann institute of science | Membrane-mediated interactions drive the condensation and coalescence of FtsZ rings | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Maayan Moshe [1] Kogan V. G. [2] |
"The Raymond and B... |
Josephson junctions in thin films | A2 : Superconductivity & Magnetisem I |
Lawrence Horwitz [1] Gershon Avi [2] |
School of Physics, Tel... |
Hamiltonian Map to Conformal Modification of Spacetime Metric: Kaluza-Klein and TeVeS | A3 : Astrophysics I |
Micha Nixon [1] Moti Fridman [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Nonlinear dynamics of weakly coupled lasers | B6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics II |
Roi Levy Yigal Meir |
Physics Department Ben Gurion University | Quantum Hall Insulator | B2 : Superconductivity & magnetism II |
Ariel Nause Egor Dyunin |
Tel Aviv University | Electron beam shot noise supression by collective coulomb interaction: 3D analysis | B8 : Plasma physics |
Turgeman Lior Carmi Shai |
Bar - Ilan university | Fractional Feynmann-Kac equation for non-brownian functionals | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
Yevgeni Estrin [1] Daniel H. Rich [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Time-resolved cathodoluminescence study of ZnxCd1-xSe/C Core/Shell Nanocrystals with phase-separation | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Dan Ben-Yaakov [1] David Andelman [1] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Ions in mixed dielectric solvents: density profiles and osmotic pressure between charged interfaces | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Inna Nusinsky Amos A. Hardy |
Department of Electrical Engineering - Physical Electronics,... | Analytical calculations of complex-shaped two-dimensional photonic crystals | A8 : Optics |
E. Flaxer [1] M. Klebanov [2] |
AFEKA - Tel-Aviv Academ... |
Photodarkening of some amorphous chalcogenide films under µs light pulses | A8 : Optics |
Ramon Szmuk | Ben-Gurion University | Nanowire atomchip traps for sub-micron atom-surface distances | B7 : Cold atoms |
Jonatan Coslovsky | Ben-Gurion University | Reducing decoherence on atom chips by material engineering | B7 : Cold atoms |
Ido Barth [1] Lazar Friedland [1] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Autoresonant Transition in the Presence of Noise and Self-Fields | B8 : Plasma physics |
Eidelstein Eitan | Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem... | On the Transition from a Large to a Small Fermi Surface in the Kondo-Heisenberg Chain | A2 : Superconductivity & Magnetisem I |
Ido Azuri Wilson-Gordon Arlene |
Chemistry Department Bar-Ilan University | Phase-dependent group velocity | A8 : Optics |
Pavel Khain Lazar Friedland |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Averaged variational principle for autoresonant Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes | B8 : Plasma physics |
Noa Geva [1] Yaron Hakuk [1] |
Bar Ilan University, School of Engineering, Bio-Engineering | Neural engineering using novel biolistic delivery of nanoparticles into living tissue | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Joel Ratsaby | Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ariel Uni... | Randomness properties of statistical prediction | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
M.I. Tsindlekht [1] V.M. Genkin [1] |
The Racah Institute of... |
AC response of the surface superconducting states of YB6 and ZrB12 single crystals in a swept magnetic field | B2 : Superconductivity & magnetism II |
Yuri Lurie Yosef Pinhasi |
Ariel University Center of Samaria | Modal description of longitudinal space-charge fields in pulsed-driven free-electron devices | B8 : Plasma physics |
Shlomit Weissman David A. Kessler |
Bar Ilan University | Optimal Dispersal Rates in Meta-Population Models | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Moti Ben-Harush and Itzhack Dana | Minerva Center and Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan Universit... | Kicked Hall Systems: Generic Suppression of Weak Chaos on a Universal Stochastic Web | B6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics II |
Amit Giveon [1] Dan Gorbonos [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Fundamental Strings and Higher Derivative Corrections to d-Dimensional Black Holes | A1. High Energy Physics I |
Alexander Gersten Amnon Moalem |
Ben Gurion University | The Maxwell’s equations and the equivalent first quantized photon equations from a scalar Lagrangian formalism. | A1. High Energy Physics I |
S. Levy [1] I. Shlimak [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Influence of a strong neutron irradiation on the size and spatial distribution of Ge nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Moshe Einat Meir Grajower |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Thermal inkjet heaters experimental parameters and micro-boiling limits | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Lukas W. Snyman [1] K. Ogudo [1] |
Tshwane University of T... |
simulation of optical propagation mechanisms in cmos integrated circuitry - basis for development of smart Si led (450nm-750nm) based on-chip micro-mechanical optical sensors (cmos-moems) | A8 : Optics |
Reuben Shuker Alon Har-Tal |
Physics Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Counterintuitive gain without inversion enhancement in pulsed fields sequence | A8 : Optics |
Avi Malki M. Zilka |
Nuclear Physics Department, Tel Aviv University | Measurement of the radon diffusion length in thin membranes | A9 : Material Physics |
M. Klebanov [1] * V. Lyubin [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
New chalcogenide glassy photo- and electron beam resists: physical properties and application | A9 : Material Physics |
M. Manevich [1] * J. Varshal [1] |
Department of Electro-o... |
Investigation of physical properties and micro-optical application of sulfide-selenide thin films | A9 : Material Physics |
Asher Yahalom Yosef Pinhasi |
Ariel University Center of Samaria | Transmission through Multiple Layers in UWB Communications | A8 : Optics |
Asher Yahalom | Ariel University Center of Samaria | Simplified Variational Principles for Non-Stationary Topological Fluid Dynamics | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
Yosef Pinhasi Asher Yahalom |
Ariel University Center of Samaria | Propagation Analysis of Ultra-Short Pulses in Resonant Dielectric Media | A8 : Optics |
R. Englman | Soreq NRC | Possible Breakdown of the Adiabatic Theorem in an Aharonov-Bohm Set Up | A9 : Material Physics |
Baruch Rosenstein [1] Meir Lewkowicz [2] |
NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan... |
Dynamics of Particle-Hole Pair Creation in Graphene | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Alon Eliran [1,2] Avraham Gover [1] |
Tel-Aviv University... |
Statistical Study of Undulator Radiated Power by a Classical Detection System in the Mm-Wave Regime | B8 : Plasma physics |
Iulian Rusu | Technical University’ Gheorghe Asachi’, Department of Chemic... | Consideration on the stability and durability of historical materials | A9 : Material Physics |
Yulia Sokolov Yael Roichman |
Tel Aviv University | Pairing effect of colloidal particles driven in optical vortices | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |
Gali Dekel [1] Oleg Farberovich [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Non linear dynamics of Macroscopic tunneling - from point like to elongated trap. | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
Yosef E. Maruvka David A. Kessler |
Department of Physics Bar Ilan University | The Neutral Theory of Everything | A6 : Statistical & Nonlinear physics I |
Shmuel Sternklar Er'el Granot |
Ariel University Center of Samaria, Dept. of Electrical and... | Mutually Modulated Cross-Gain Modulation for RF Optical Procesing and Slow Light | A8 : Optics |
Yossi Ben-Aderet [1,2] Er'el Granot [1] |
Ariel University Center... |
Optical Impulse Response Reconstruction of a Scattering Medium with the Differential Multiply Subtractive Kramers-Kronig Method | A8 : Optics |
Eldad Peretz [1] David Barlam [2] |
Physics Department, Ben... |
Elastic mechanism of Self ordering of QDS | A4 : Low dimensional & Nanosystems I |
Boaz Keren-Zur | Tel Aviv University | Phenomenology of metastable SUSY breaking | A1. High Energy Physics I |
Leon Berdichevsky Ofer Aharony |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Inverted Sparticle Hierarchies from Natural Particle Hierarchies | A1. High Energy Physics I |
Ido Kanter [1] Evi Kopelowitz [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Public Channel Cryptography: Chaos Synchronization and Hilbert’s Tenth Problem | A7 : Quantum information |
Moshe Lindner Guy Nir |
Physics Department & Nanotechnology Institute, Bar Ilan... | Measuring the 3D-distribution of DNA conformation using Tethered Particle Motion (TPM) | A5 : Soft matter & Biophysics I |