A7 : Quantum information

Chair Information
Chairman details: 
Nadav Katz (HU)
Eng. School
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:12-14:24 Assaf Shaham Realizing a controllable noise in photonic quantum information channels
Noise is a central property that characterizes quantum information channels.
14:48-15:00 Oren Suchoi [1] Intermode Dephasing in a Superconducting Stripline Resonator
We study superconducting stripline resonator (SSR) made of Niobium, which is integrated with a superconducting interfere...
14:24-14:36 Ido Almog Suppression of Decoherence Induced by Collisions in an Ultra-Cold Ensemble of Atoms
An ensemble of two level quantum systems coupled to a fluctuating external environment is a common paradigm in many fiel...
15:00-15:12 Avi Pe'er An ultrafast detector for squeezing
Squeezed states of light are a key resource for quantum information, and the detection of squeezing is vital in experime...
14:00-14:12 Anna Keselman Narrow linewidth diode laser for ion qubit manipulations
We use trapped 88Sr+ ions as a physical implementation of qubits.
14:36-14:48 Yoni Shalibo [1] Coupling of microscopic two-level defects to a superconducting Josephson phase-circuit
Superconducting circuits can coherently couple to single microscopic objects.
15:12-15:24 Asaf Eilam Spatial quantum memory based on Coherent Population Oscillation
We present a new model for creating a controlled spatial quantum memory which defined on space.
15:24-15:36 Noam Erez Heating & cooling by measurement: Zeno meets Lindblad
Time-energy uncertainty generically manifests itself in the short time behavior of a system weakly coupled to a bath, in...