B7 : Cold atoms

Chair Information
Chairman details: 
Lev Khaykovich (BIU)
Eng. School
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:13-16:26 Gareth Conduit A repulsive atomic gas in a harmonic trap on the border of itinerant ferromagnetism
Alongside superfluidity, itinerant (Stoner) ferromagnetism remains one of the most well-characterized phases of correlat...
16:00-16:13 Nitzan Akerman [1] A Single trapped ion in an anharmonic potential
A driven damped nearly harmonic oscillator with a small an-harmonicity, a cubic term in the force, is known as the Duffi...
16:39-16:52 Sebastian D. Huber The inverted kagome lattice: frustrated bosons without superexchange
The route to quantum magnetism in ultracold atom systems is obstructed by the difficulties of reaching low enough temper...
17:05-17:18 Yoav Sagi Collisional narrowing with optically trapped atoms
Cold atoms trapped in a conservative potential can be used for quantum information processing, where their high density...
16:52-17:05 Yonathan Japha [1] Spatial evolution and phase dynamics of two-mode matter-waves
We have developed a field-theory approach for solving the dynamics of a Bose gas at zero temperature in a double-well po...
17:18-17:31 Ronen Vosk [1] Bosons in disordered 1d traps: a new paradigm for the superfluid-insulator transition?
Ultracold bosons in one dimensional traps are typically weakly interacting, whereas the disorder potential generated e.g...
16:26-16:39 Noam Gross [1] Observation of Universality in Ultracold 7Li Three-Body Recombination
We report on experimental evidence of universality in ultracold 7Li atoms’ three-body recombination loss in the vicinity...