Quantum Information and Photonics

Chair Information
Nadav Katz
Feinberg Graduate School, classroom 1 (7)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
Weilong She Experimental evidence for Abraham momentum of light
Light carries both energy and momentum; the energy of a single photon is given by its frequency times Planck's constant,...
Nir Shitrit Spinoptical Metasurface Route to Spin-Controlled Photonics
Nadav Katz Coherence in multilevel superconducting qudits
I will briefly review the state of the art in quantum superconducting circuitry.
Elisha Svetitsky [1] Pythagorean Coupling in a Four-Level Josephson Phase Qudit
Multi-level qudits are advantageous for a number of applications of quantum information science, but introduce complex d...
Yonatan Israel Super-sensitive polarization microscopy using NOON states of light
A quantum polarized light microscope using entangled NOON states of light with N=2 and N=3 is
Oren Pedatzur [1] Attosecond Tunneling Interferometry
Yaakov Shaked High-Contrast Measurement of Quantum Entanglement at Record-High Speed
Using a physical detector we demonstrate high-contrast bi-photon entanglement measurement in few milliseconds with ~108...