Quantum Information: theory and experiments

Chair Information
Nadav Katz
Chairman details: 
The Hebrew University
Feinberg Graduate School, classroom 1 (7)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
R. Fischer [1] Optical Polarization of Nuclear Ensembles in Diamond
Nuclear spins are a natural choice for applications requiring long relaxation times due to their immunity to unwanted pe...
David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky [1] Autonomous quantized refrigerator: performance beyond the classical bound
We investigate the principles of  fully autonomous and quantum refrigerators that are powered by a quantum device.
Daniel Rohrlich PR-box correlations have no classical limit
Quantum mechanics obeys the principle of relativistic causality (no superluminal signalling), but it is nonlocal in at l...
Gilad Arrad Increasing sensing resolution with error correction
The signal to noise ratio of quantum sensing protocols scales with the square root of the coherence time. Thus, increasi...
Itsik Cohen Quantum Simualtion of the Haldane Phase with trapped ions
Quantum Simulation of the Haldane Pha
Assaf Shaham Violation of the KCBS inequality using polarized biphoton qutrits
The KCBS pentagram inequality is a Bell-type inequality which tests whether given outcomes of measurements performed on...
David Edward Bruschi Spacetime effects on satellite-based quantum communications
We investigate the effects of space-time curvature on space-based quantum communication protocols.