Topological order and Superconductivity

Chair Information
Haim Beidenkopf
Jean Goldwurm 3D Visualization Theater (4)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:00-16:12 Inbar Seroussi Topological Superconducting Phases of Weakly Coupled Quantum Wires
 An array of quantum wires is a natural starting point to realize two-dimensional topological phases.
16:12-16:24 Arbel Haim Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Superconductivity Induced by Repulsive Interactions in Quantum Wires
We consider a model for a one-dimensional quantum wire with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and repulsive interactions, prox...
16:24-16:36 Luis Seabra [1,2] From solitons to Majorana bound states in a one-dimensional interacting model
We consider the Creutz ladder model, a quasi-one-dimensional fermionic system which supports zero-energy modes locked t...
16:36-16:48 E. Maniv [1] Evolution of the Fermi Surface of a Doped Topological Insulator With Carrier Concentration
In an ideal bulk topological-insulator (TI) conducting surface states protected by time reversal symmetry enfold a...
16:48-17:00 Itzhack Dana Topologically Universal Spectral Hierarchies of Quasiperiodic Systems
Topological properties of energy spectra of general one-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, describing Bloch electrons...
17:00-17:12 Yoav Kalcheim [1] Role of magnetic inhomogeneity in the proximity induced triplet superconductivity at ferromagnet/superconductor interfaces
Evidence for long-ranged superconductor proximity effects in superconductor-ferromagnetic (S-F) systems has recently bee...
17:12-17:24 Amir Erez The effect of disorder on the quench dynamics of the Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
The effect of disorder on the Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition is still under debate, as numerical dat
17:24-17:36 Gil Drachuck [1] Spin-charge interplay in antiferromagnetic LSCO studied by the muons, neutrons, and ARPES techniques
We performed temperature dependent angle resolved photo emission Spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements on an antiferromagnet...
17:36-17:48 Mark H Fischer [1,2] Chiral d-wave Superconductivity in SrPtAs
Recent µSR measurements for SrPtAs revealed time-reversal-symmetry breaking with the onset of superconductivity suggesti...