Nonequilibrium and mesoscopic physics

Chair Information
Saar Rahav

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:30-17:00 (invited) Ronnie Kosloff The Dynamical Versions of the III-law of Thermodynamics
Quantum thermodynamics addresses the emergence of thermodynamical laws from quantum mechanics. The III-law of thermodyna...
17:00-17:15 Yehuda Dinaii [1] Statistics of energy dissipation in a quantum dot operating in the cotunneling regime
At Coulomb blockade valleys inelastic cotunneling processes generate particle-hole excitations in quantum dots (QDs), an...
17:15-17:30 Mark H Fischer A macroscopic 'order parameter' for many-body localization
In many-body-localized systems, an extensive number of local conserved quantities, or integrals of motion, exists and pr...
17:30-17:45 Tal Goren [1] Schwinger effect in a tunnel junction
We have found an unexpected mapping between quantum mesoscopic conductors (tunnel junction) and spinor QED physics Hamil...
17:45-18:00 Eugene Kanzieper Random matrix theory of quantum transport in chaotic cavities with non-ideal leads
We determine the joint probability density function (JPDF) of reflection eigenvalues in three Dyson's ensembles of chaot...