Statistical and Nonequilibrium physics

Chair Information
Yitzhak Rabin
Chairman details: 
Yitzhak Rabin (Bar Ilan)
Eng. 42
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:15-14:30 Tamir Admon [1] Information machine
We propose a realization of information machine which converts information to work, using the concept of Leo Szilard's f...
14:30-14:45 Dino Osmanovic Statistical Physics of Ensembles of Particles with Random Interactions
Systems with many diļ¬€erent interactions pose a challenge to traditional methods of statistical physics.
14:45-15:00 Doron Grossman The statistics of frustrated ribbons
Residually stressed elastic ribbons are thin and narrow sheets, that cannot satisfy both the internal bending and stretc...
15:00-15:15 Nimrod Segall Jamming vs Caging in 3D Jamming Percolation
Kinetically-constrained models (KCM) are widely used in the study of jamming and glass transitions in granular and amorp...
15:15-15:30 Lukas Sieberer [1] Vortex unbinding in driven-dissipative condensates
The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation is a paradigmatic example showing universal scaling behavior out of thermodynamic...
15:30-15:45 Eytan Katzav Analytical results for the distribution of shortest path lengths in random networks
The distribution of shortest path lengths is of great importance for many dynamical processes taking place on networks s...
15:45-16:00 Daniel Hurowitz Percolation, sliding, localization and relaxation in glassy circuits
The "glassy" version of "random walk in disordered lattice" features a percolation-related crossover to variable-range-h...