2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Session / Category / Sub-Categories | Chairperson |
Plenary -- Plenary lecture | Prof. Yaron Oz Prof. Yael Shadmi |
Review -- Astrophysics, Condensed Matter, High Energy | Prof. Uri Sivan Prof. Amos Yarom Prof. Ehud Behar |
Astro -- Astrophysics, Cosmology | Prof. Hagai Perets |
HEP -- High energy experiment, High energy physics, Nuclear physics, High energy theory | Prof. Yael Shadmi Dr. Shlomo Razamat Prof. Shikma Bressler Prof. Nir Barnea |
Plasma and Fluids -- Plasma and Fluids | Dr. Mikhail Nitishinskiy |
QM -- Quantum foundations, Mesoscopic physics, Atomic and molecular physics, Quantum information, Photonics and optics, Ultracold atoms and molecules | Dr. Oren Cohen Dr. Yoav Sagi Prof. Itai Arad |
CondMat -- Topological phases and excitations, Strongly correlated electronic systems, Superconductivity and magnetism, Material physics and nanophysics | Prof. Assa Auerbach Prof. Netanel Lindner Prof. Amit Kanigel Prof. Yoram Dagan |
StatMech -- Statistical physics, Soft matter and Biophysics | Prof. Kinneret Keren Prof. Yariv Kafri |
NLD -- Complex sytems, Non-linear physics | Dr. Guy Bunin |
Applied Physics -- Applied physics, Physics in industry | Dr. Chen Dubi |
MathPhys -- Mathematical Physics | Prof. Jonathan Breuer Prof. Ram Band |