Casimir stress inside planar materials

  Itay Griniasty  ,  Ulf Leonhardt  
Weizmann Institute of Science

Current theory is able to predict the Casimir force between macroscopic bodies with an accuracy only limited by the knowledge of the material parameters. Yet surprisingly after almost 70 years of research, while theory describes the Casimir force between bodies, the force inside macroscopic bodies is poorly understood. In this talk, I will develop from a physically intuitive picture the macroscopic theory of the Casimir stress inside inhomogeneous planar media. We have  applied this theory to a soft wall, where the refractive index is continuous but its derivative jumps. For this situation we predict a characteristic power law for the stress inside the soft wall and close to its edges. Our result shows that such edges are not tolerated in the aggregation of liquids at surfaces, regardless whether the liquid is attracted or repelled.