Chiral Spin Liquids in Arrays of Spin Chains

  Eran Sela [1]  ,  Gregory Gorohovsky [1]  ,  Rodrigo Pereira [2]  
[1] Tel Aviv University
[2] Universidade de Sao Paulo

I will describe a coupled-chain construction for chiral spin liquids in two-dimensional spin systems. Starting from a one-dimensional zigzag spin chain and imposing SU(2) symmetry in the framework of non-Abelian bosonization, I provide a tractable approach that faithfully describes the low-energy physics of an exactly solvable model with a three-spin interaction. Generalizing the construction to the two-dimensional case, I will describe a theory that incorporates the universal properties of the chiral spin liquid predicted by Kalmeyer and Laughlin: charge-neutral edge states, gapped spin-1/2 bulk excitations, and ground state degeneracy on the torus signalling the topological order of this quantum state. In addition, I will argue that the chiral spin liquid phase is more easily stabilized in frustrated lattices containing corner-sharing triangles, such as the extended kagome lattice, than in the triangular lattice. I will discuss generalizations to more exotic non-Abelian chiral spin liquids for spin-1 systems.