Coherent Amplification of Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics in an Optical Oscillator

  Igal Aharonovich  ,  Avi Pe'er  
Department of Physics and BINA center for Nano-Technology, Bar-Ilan University

Optical oscillators present a powerful optimization mechanism. The inherent competition for gain resources  between possible modes of oscillation entails the prevalence of the most efficient single mode. Here, we harness this 'ultrafast' coherence feedback to optimize the field in time. We show that when a laser oscillator based on molecular gain medium is synchronously pumped by ultrafast pulses, a coherent temporal multi-mode field can develop that optimally dumps the general, dynamically-evolving vibrational wave-packet into a single vibrational mode. Measuring the emitted optical field opens a new window to visualization and control of fast molecular dynamics. The theoretical model is presented and numerical results are shown. And finally, physical realization is discussed.