2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
We consider the excitonic insulator state (often associated with electronic ferroelectricity), which arises on the phase diagram of an extended spinless Falicov--Kimball model (FKM) at half-filling. Within the Hartree--Fock approach, we calculate the spectrum of low-energy collective excitations in this state up to second order in the narrow-band hopping and/or hybridisation. This allows to probe the mean-field stability of the excitonic insulator. The latter is found to be unstable when the case of the pure FKM (no hybridisation with a fully localised band) is approached. The instability is due to the presence of another, lower-lying ground state and {\it not} to the degeneracy of the excitonic phase in the pure FKM. The excitonic phase, however, may be stabilised further away from the pure FKM limit. In this case, the low-energy excitation spectrum contains new information about the properties of the excitonic condensate (including the strongly suppressed critical temperature).
[1] D. I. Golosov, Phys. Rev. B vol. 86, 155134 (2012)