2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Elad Stolovicki Lindsay S. Moore |
Department of Physics & Network Biology Research Laborat... | Evolvability of gene regulation: from single cells to populations | Biophysics |
Y. Wang [1] A. Gozolchiani [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Can the southern hemisphere climate network be associated with atmospheric Rossby waves? | Statistical Mechanics |
Sivan Refaely-Abramson [1] Sahar Sharifzadeh [2] |
Department of Materials... |
Quasiparticle Spectra from a Nonempirical Optimally Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Density Functional | Material Physics |
M. Ya. Amusia V. R. Shaginyan |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem | New Type of Insulators with Quantum Spin Liquid and Heavy-Fermion Metals | Strongly Correlated Electronic systems |
Gitai Feinberg [1,2] Michael Paul [1] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Beam dynamics calculations for SARAF phase I linac and beamline aiming at stellar neutron production | |
Nitzan R. Edelman [1] Uri Argaman [1] |
Department of Materials... |
M. Ya. Amusia [1, 2] L.V. Chernysheva [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Compendium on Atomic Data | Material Physics |
Dan Bracha [1,2] Eyal Karzbrun [1,2] |
Department of Materials... |
Entropy-driven swelling of DNA brushes | Biophysics |
Shir R. Hochwald Shai Borohovitz |
Department of Physics and Institute for Nanotechnology and A... | Dense colloidal fluids form denser sediments. | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Evi Kopelowitz [1,2] Moshe Abeles [2] |
Minerva Center and Depa... |
Sensitivity of global network dynamics to local parameters versus motif structure in a cortexlike neuronal model | Statistical Mechanics |
Yosi Hammer Nir Alfasi |
Tel Aviv University | Geometry dependent forces between phantom polymers and repulsive surfaces | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Uri Argaman [1] Eli Kraisler [2] |
Materials Engineering D... |
Higher Ionization Energies of Atoms with Density Functional Theory | Material Physics |
S. Halfon [1,2] M. Paul [1] |
The Hebrew University o... |
High-Power Electron Beam Tests of a Liquid-Lithium Target and 7Li(p,n) Near-Threshold Neutrons: Characterization Study for Accelerator-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy | Nuclear Physics |
Anat Daniel Ruti Agou |
Ben Gurion University | Fidelity of qubit rotations in the presence of thermal motion | Quantum Information |
Omer Wagner [1] Ori Cheshnovsky [2] |
School of Engineering,... |
Super Resolution with parallel scanning beams microscope based on STED | Photonics |
Itai Pinkoviezky Nir S. Gov |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Modelling molecular motors with an internal degree of freedom | Biophysics |
Ziv Glasser Er'el Granot |
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ariel... | Modeling the quantitative relationship between ballistic and diffusive light in turbid media | Biophysics |
Maya Yevnin [1] Dror Kasimov [2] |
School of Chemistry, Te... |
Independent simultaneous 3D holographic optical trapping and confocal imaging | Photonics |
Hanna Sickinger [1] Adi Lipman [2] |
Physikalisches Institut... |
Experimental Evidence of a φ Josephson Junction | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Liron Korkidi [1] Kobi Barkan [1] |
Tel Aviv University | Analysis of dislocations in quasicrystals composed of self-assembled spherical nanoparticles | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Jonathan Ruhman Ehud Altman |
Weizmann institute | Tunable magnetism and strong correlations in the STO/LAO interface | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Eli Flaxer | AFEKA - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering | High Voltage RF Generator for Dielectric Barrier Discharge | Applied Physics |
Eytan Suchard [1] | 1. ANB/ANT Applied Neural Biometrics/Technology | Maximum proper time to an initial event, and an emergent orthogonal time on an ensemble of unsynchronizable three dimensional sub-manifolds | Astrophysics |
Shahaf Armon Eran Sharon |
Physics Department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem | Transition between chiral morphologies in seed pods, gel sheets and self assembled chiral molecules | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Gil Bachar Ilya Baskin |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | On-fiber superconducting nanowire single photon detector | Applied Physics |
Guy Jacoby [1] Roy Beck [1] |
School of Physics and A... |
Characterizing temperature induced liquid-crystal metastability in lipid-based multi-lamellar vesicles | Biophysics |
Erez Janai Eli Sloutskin |
Department of Physics and Institute for Nanotechnology and A... | Universality of clusters in two-dimensional colloids: fluids and gels | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
David Kalok Maoz Ovadia |
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... | Search for vortex-charge duality across the superconductor-insulator transition in Indium-Oxide | Strongly Correlated Electronic systems |
Moshe Lindner Guy Nir |
Physics department and the Institute for Nanotechnology... | Diffusing particle in a harmonic potential | Biophysics |
Hillel Aharoni Eran Sharon |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Emergence of Spontaneous Twist and Curvature in Non-Euclidean Rods: Application to Erodium Plant Cells | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Shlomi Kotler [1] Nitzan Akerman [1] |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Reversing the measurement of atoms by photon scattering | Quantum Information |
Amir Waxman Yechezkel schlussel |
Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Magnetic Field Sensing by Quantum Optics and Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamonds | |
Assaf Shaham Assaf Halevy |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Entanglement dynamics in the presence of unital noisy channels | Quantum Information |
R. Englman [1] A. Yahalom [2] |
Soreq NRC, Yavne 81800,... |
Michael Moshe Eran Shron |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Defects in amorphous materials - Riemannian description of 2D dislocations | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Yuval Baum Ady Stern |
The Weizmann Institute of Science | Density Waves Instability and a Skyrmion Lattice on the Surface of Strong Topological Insulators | Topological insulators and Low Dimension Systems |
Yohai Bar-Sinai [1] Efim Brener [1,2] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Slow rupture of frictional interfaces | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Michael Epshtein, Alexander Portnov, Nitzan Mayorkas, Salman Rosenwaks, and Ilana Bar | Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Intramolecular dynamics of pyrrole | Biophysics |
Lior Ella [1] Eyal Buks [1] |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion | Hopf bifurcation in a flux qubit coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator | Photonics |
Dan Cohen [1] Aidan Kelleher [1] |
The Hebrew University o... |
A Slow Positron Facility at Hebrew University | Material Physics |
Tamar Friedlander [1] Avraham E. Mayo [1] |
Department of Molecular... |
Mutation rules and the evolution of Sparseness and Modularity in Biological Systems | Biophysics |
Shai Yefet Avi Peer |
Physics Department and Nanotechnology Institute, Bar-Ilan Un... | Mode Locking At and Below the CW Threshold | Photonics |
Shai Yefet Avi Peer |
Physics Department and Nanotechnology Institute, Bar-Ilan Un... | Kerr-lens Mode Locking Without Nonlinear Astigmatism | Photonics |
Victor Kagalovsky | Sami Shamoon College of Engineering | Decoherence induced by magnetic impurities in quantum Hall system | Topological insulators and Low Dimension Systems |
Ilya Baskin D. Yuvaraj |
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion, Haifa 32000... | Optomechanical Cavity on the tip of an optical fiber | Photonics |
Tamar Goldman [1] Roi Harpaz [2] |
The Racah Institute of... |
Intrinsic Nonlinear Scale Governs Oscillations in Rapid Fracture | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Adar Sonn Haim Diamant |
School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University | Enhanced Diffusion in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Suspensions | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Christine Khripkov [1] Amichay Vardi [1] |
Department of Chemistr... |
Squeezing in driven bimodal Bose-Einstein Condensates: Erratic driving versus noise | Statistical Mechanics |
Itamar Kolvin [1] Eran Bouchbinder [2] |
"Hebrew University... |
A simple equation for structural relaxation in glasses | Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics |
Eldad Afik | Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science | Tracking particles in 3d using 2d microscope imaging | Physics of Fluids |
Yaakov Friedman Tzvi Scarr |
Jerusalem College of Technology | Making the Relativistic Dynamics Equation Covariant | |
Gideon Wachtel Dror Orgad |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University | Superfluid stiffness renormalization and critical temperature enhancement in a composite superconductor | Superconductivity and Magnetism |
Betzalel Bazak |
The Racah Institute for... |
Multipole Analysis of Photo Reactions in Ultra-Cold Atoms | Nuclear Physics |
Dong Zhou [1] Amir Bashan [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Scaling Behaviors of Cascading Failures in Interdependent Networks | Statistical Mechanics |
Yaakov Friedman | Jerusalem College of Technology | Extending the Relativity of Time |