Discrete theta angle from O5-plane

  Futoshi Yagi  ,  "Hirotaka Hayashi [1]"  ,  "Sung-Soo Kim [2]"  ,  "Kimyeong Lee [3]"  ,  "Futoshi Yagi [4]"  
[1] "Tokai University"
[2] "University of Electronic Science and Technology of China"
[3] "Korea Institute for Advanced Study"
[4] "Technion"

We consider five dimensional N=1 Sp(1) gauge theory with no matter field based on a brane configuration with an O5-plane. It is known that two different theories exist depending on the discrete theta angle. We investigate how to realize the discrete theta angles by using (p,q) 5-brane and an O5-plane. We first devise a technique for computing Seiberg-Witten curves of the two theories based on the brane web with an O5-plane. Their Seiberg-Witten curves show that their corresponding M5-brane configurations under the presence of OM5-planes are different. The decompactification limit of each Seiberg-Witten curve also shows distinct phase structures in their Coulomb branch leading to significantly different (p,q) 5-brane configurations with an O5-plane in the ``past infinite coupling region''.