Edge reconstruction in the $\nu= 2/3$ fractional quantum Hall state

  Jianhui Wang [1]  ,  Yigal Meir [1]  ,  Yuval Gefen [2]  
[1] Ben-Gurion University
[2] Weizmann Institute of Science

Experiments at the $\nu= 2/3$ fractional quantum Hall regime have revealed a conductance plateau at $G=1/3 e^2/h$ [Bid, et al., PRL 103, 236802],  a crossover of the effective tunneling charge from $e/3$ at relatively high temperature to $2e/3$ at lower temperature [ibid.], and an upstream neutral mode  [Bid, et al., Nature 466, 585]. No single theory has been able to account for all these observations. Here we demonstrate that  with the very reasonable assumption of edge reconstruction,  we can explain all these experimental observations.