Emergent motion of condensates in mass transport models

  Ori Hirschberg [1]  ,  David Mukamel [1]  ,  Gunter M. Schütz [2]  
[1] Weizmann Institute of Science
[2] Forschungszentrum Jülich

Condensation phenomena, in which a finite fraction of the "mass" in a macroscopic system is concentrated in a microscopic fraction of its volume are rather common in nature. Examples include the formation of traffic jams in transportation systems, the clustering of particles in shaken granular gases, the emergence of macroscopically-linked hubs in complex networks and many others. In this talk I will examine the emergent dynamics of the condensate in such systems and report that quite generically the condensate in asymmetric systems develops a drift motion. The mechanism driving this motion is explained using a simplified toy model.