2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The Nuclear Physics Group at Tel Aviv University researches a wide region of the field with versatile equipment at various sites.
We study the structure of nucleons, nuclei (both stable and exotic), big nuclear systems such as neutron stars, and the strong interaction between nucleons and within them, by performing high-energy knock-out measurements and measurements of exotic nuclei properties in international leading particle accelerators, and low-energy high-intensity measurements at SARAF, in Soreq NRC.
We investigate how intense light can accelerate particles to high energies. We use these particles to study frontier areas of science at the meeting point between Material Science, Plasma Physics and Nuclear Physics. We conduct our experimental activities both on the TAU Ultrafast Intense Laser Laboratory and on intense laser facilities abroad.
We will present highlights of our recent research activities and our scientific plans for the future.