Extending the Relativity of Time

  Yaakov Friedman  
Jerusalem College of Technology

Extended Relativistic Dynamics (ERD) admits only solutions which
have speed bounded by the speed of light c and acceleration bounded
by an assumed universal maximal acceleration am. Here we explore
the harmonic oscillator under ERD. The e ffective potential in this
model becomes linearly con fined. For an oscillator with small natural
frequency ω, we recover the classical solutions, while for large ω, the
behavior is quantum-like. The solutions for large ω are a "digitiza-
tion" of the standard signals of the classical harmonic oscillator. The
spectrum of these signals coincide with the energy spectrum of the
quantum harmonic oscillator. While for small ω the thermal radiation
is a wave type, for for large ω it become pulses of radiation. This
provides a possible explanation for the di fference in the blackbody ra-
diation for small and large ω and is another indication of the validity
of ERD.