Failure-spreading transition in spatially embedded multiplex networks

  Louis M. Shekhtman  ,  Michael M. Danziger  ,  Yehiel Berezin  ,  Shlomo Havlin  
Bar Ilan University

Recent research has explored the problem of failure-spreading in interdependent networks where one system relies on a second system in order to function. Examples of this interaction are most common in infrastructure, but can also be found in economics and biology.

Previous models [1] focused on the spatial nature of infrastructure networks by modeling them as square lattices. Further, the authors noted that the dependency links have a certain characteristic length. Here we propose [2] a more realistic failure-spreading model where rather than having dependency links of a certain length, connectivity links are drawn from a distribution and dependency nodes are of zero length. We draw the lengths of the connectivity links from an exponential distribution with mean