Frequency comb locking of injected mode locked lasers

  Omri Gat [1]  ,  David Kielpinski [2]  
[1] Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
[2] Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, Nathan QLD 4111, Australia

The two-frequency problem of synchronization of the pulse train of a passively mode locked soliton laser to an externally injected pulse train is solved in the weak injection regime. The source and target frequency combs are distinguished by the spacing and offset frequency mismatches. Locking diagrams map the domain in the mismatch parameter space where stable locking of the combs is possible. We analyze the dependence of the locking behavior on the relative frequency and chirp of the source and target pulses, and the conditions where the relative offset frequency has to actively stabilized. Locked steady states are characterized by a fixed source-target time and phase shifts that are displayed in the locking diagrams.