High momentum splitting of matter-waves by an atom chip field gradient beam-splitter

  Shimon Machluf  ,  Yonathan Japha  ,  Ron Folman  
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

The splitting of matter-waves into a superposition of spatially separated states is a fundamental tool for studying the basic tenets of quantum mechanics and other theories, as well as a building block for numerous technological applications. We report the realization of a matter-wave beam splitter based on magnetic field gradients on an atom chip, which can be used for freely propagating or trapped atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate or a thermal state. It has a wide dynamic range of momentum transfer and operation time. Differential velocities exceeding 0.5 m/s can be achieved in a few micro-seconds. The beam splitter may enable a wide range of applications, such as, fundamental studies of many-body entanglement and dephasing processes, probing classical and quantum properties of nearby solids, and metrology of rotation, acceleration and gravity on a chip scale.