Identification of Sleptons in ATLAS

  Yaniv Tenenbaum Katan  ,  Shlomit Tarem  ,  Shikma Bressler  ,  Sofia Vallecorsa  
Physics Department, Technion

Super-Symmetry is one of the currently most promising extensions to the SM. It will be able to solve some of the most profound problems of modern physics, incl. the Hierarchy problem and finding candidates for the Dark matter problem.

Different models of the Theory predict symmetry breaking in different energy scales, and the creation of new particles accordingly.The High Energies of the LHC particles will allow us to witness such particles, and by that validate the different models.

GMSB models predict heavy neutral particles named neutralinos that decay to pairs of Lepton and Slepton. The sleptons are predicted by some models to be heavy long-lived particles, with a lifetime long enough to reach the outermost detectors of ATLAS. This talk will focus on the identification of such stable heavy particles as sleptons.