2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
A possible resolution of the flavor hierarchy puzzle is that a horizontal flavor symmetry can be dynamically generated through the coupling of the first two generation fields to a strongly coupled sector, which is conformally invariant and leads to large anomalous dimensions for the first two generation fields over a large range of energies. In this talk I will address the possibility of using the same conformal sector to also break supersymmetry. I'll show that this automatically gives an "inverted hierarchy" in which the first two generation squarks and sleptons are much heavier than the other superpartners. Implementing this construction generically requires some fine-tuning in order to satisfy the constraints on flavor-changing neutral currents at the same time as solving the hierarchy problem. I'll show that this fine-tuning can be reduced to be milder than the percent level by making some additional assumptions about the form of the conformal sector and its couplings to the standard model.