Itinerant Ferromagnetism in the electronic localization limit

  Noa Kurzweil  ,  Eugene Kogan  ,  Aviad Frydman  
The Department of physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel



We present Hall effect, Rxy(H), and magnetoresistance,Rxx(H), measurements of ultrathin films of Ni, Co and Fe with thicknesses varying between 0.2-8nm and resistances between 1MΩ - 100Ω.
Both measurements show that films having resistance above a critical value, RC, (thickness below a critical value, dC) show no signs for ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism appears only for films with R<RC,
where RC is material dependent. We raise the possibility that the reason for the absence of spontaneous magnetization is suppression of itinerant ferromagnetism by electronic disorder and  localization.