Jamming transition and critical scaling in a three dimensional spiral model

  Antina Ghosh [1]  ,  Yair Shokef [1]  
[1] Tel Aviv University

Jamming transition and critical scaling in a three dimensional spiral model

Antina Ghosh, Yair Shokef

Disordered systems like granular media, colloids or atomic liquids when compressed or rapidly cooled from an initial equilibrium liquid state undergoes a transition to an amorphous solid like phase at higher densities .  Such glass / jamming transitions are characterized by the onset of slow dynamics, where molecular motion are locally constrained due to the presence of other neighbors leading to a very high relaxation times.  One of the simplest finite dimensional representation of such dynamics is by kinetically constrained models [1-5] where a  spin /particle is only allowed to flip or move when a certain constraint is satisfied locally by its nearest neighboring sites.  Spiral model  [4-7] is one of such class of model that is previously  shown [5] to undergo an ideal glass-jamming transition at a occupation density   rc     <  1 in two dimension.  In the present work we numerically study the culling dynamics [8] of spiral models in two as well as in three dimensions. The average cull time as obtained at different initial occupation density shows a sharp peak at a critical density rc   < 1  in both cases, implying correlation over long length scales and presence of percolating clusters in the system. We find a different critical density  rc    ~   0.35 in 3D which is lower than the critical density  ~ 0.7 as predicted for two dimensional spiral model.  We further perform  system size analysis, obtain and compare the scaling exponents at the critical density in both the dimension.


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6.   F. Corberi and L. F Cugliandolo,   J. Stat. Mech,  P09015, 2009

7.   Y. Shokef  and  A. J. Liu, Euro Phys Lett, 90, 26005, 2010.

8.  M. Jeng  and  J. M. Schwarz, Phys. Rev. E 81, 011134, 2010.