Lensless Imaging with Vectorial Phase Retrieval

  Oren Raz  ,  Boaz Nadler  ,  Dan Oron  ,  Nirit Dudovich  
Weizmann Inst. of Science

X-ray lensless imaging is a fundamental tool for biological and material sciences applications,  providing 3D images with  high spatial resolution. Most lensless imaging schemes  requires the solution of the non-crystallographic phase problem. Unfortunately, no fast, scaleable and robust method for solving this problem is known. Typically, it is solved by iterative methods that are slow and in many cases do not converge to the correct solution. We propose a simple change in the common lensless imaging measurement scheme, which reduces the phase problem into solving a set of linear equations, thus alleviate most of the problems of the iterative methods. The dramatic simplification of our method offers a new direction toward  efficient and robust lensless imaging schemes.