Linear to marginal stability of interacting many kicked rotors

  Atanu Rajak  ,  Emanuele G. Dalla Torre   
Department of Physics, Jack and Pearl Resnick Institute, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel

In the absence of disorder, periodically driven many-body systems are generically
expected to be ergodic and to thermalize to an infinite-temperature ensemble. Here
we find an exception to this rule by considering an infinite chain of coupled identical
kicked rotors. We numerically study the classical dynamics of the system and identify
three distinct regions, which are respectively localized, diffusive, and super-diffusive.
The above phases are characterized using the diffusion constant and the exponent α
with <p^2> ~ t^α, where p is the average angular momentum of
coupled rotors. We have also investigated the effect of initial conditions for the angles
of the rotors, to determine the different phases. We have found that the parametric
resonance point shifts from linear to quadratic stable point as the number of kicks
is increased for small initial temperature. On the other hand, if the initial temperature
is increased substantially the linear stability disappears and the system becomes marginally