Natural SUSY in gauge mediation

  Sven Bjarke Gudnason  
The Hebrew University

The discovery of a SM-like Higgs boson around 125 GeV together with the assumption of naturalness suggests that Nature is something beyond the MSSM. In this talk, I will introduce a class of natural supersymmetry (SUSY), with SUSY broken in a hidden sector and mediated to the visible sector via gauge interactions. Collider bounds, limits from flavor physics, naturalness as well the "heavy" Higgs boson, all point us in the direction of an inverted hierarchy of scalar superpartner particles. I will explain how we are able to generate all 18 parameters of the Standard Model allowing for tuning only at the percent level and taking into account experimental constraints in a concrete model. The simplest model does not unify in the traditional sense, but I will comment on possibilities for making a unifying model.