Non linear dynamics of Macroscopic tunneling - from point like to elongated trap.

  Gali Dekel [1]  ,  Oleg Farberovich [1]  ,  Victor Fleurov [1]  ,  Avy Soffer [2]  
[1] Tel Aviv University
[2] Rutgers University


We investigate macroscopic tunneling from dot-like and from elongated quasi 1-d trap, forming a ’cigar shaped’ BEC. Using recently developed formalism, based on hydrodynamic representation, we get the leading analytical approximation for the right hand side of the potential wall, i.e. outside the trap,while by employing a formalism based on Wigner functions, we solve for the left side of the potential wall, i.e. inside the BEC. We then present accomplished results of numerical calculations, which show a ’blip’ in the particle density traveling with an asymptotic shock velocity. Inside the BEC a pattern of a traveling dispersive shock wave is revealed. In the attractive case, we find trains of bright solitons frozen near the boundary.