Progress in the growth of large high-Tc-superconductors single crystals

  Gil Drachuck  ,  Meni Shay  ,  Galina Bazalitski  ,  Amit Keren  

Recent advances in the production of large single crystals at the Technion, using image floating-zone (FZ) furnace will be presented. The growth procedure, capabilities, and limitations will be discussed. An overview of crystals that grow in the FZ method will be given, with special emphasis on the CLBLCO compound which is grown as a single crystal for the first time. The grown crystals are oriented using a Laue camera, and can be cut and polished to suit the needs of any experimental technique. Characterization measurements such as: SQUID, electrical transport, and electron microscopy EDS and EBSD will be briefly presented. The grown crystals are of great interest since several experimental methods, such as ARPES, Neutron and Raman scattering, optical conductivity and more require the use of large crystals.