Proposal for a molecular quantum spin network

  Amit Finkler  ,  Lukas Schlipf  ,  Thomas Oeckinghaus  ,  Durga Dasari  ,  Kebiao Xu  ,  Malte Drescher  ,  Mykhailo Azarkh  ,  Andrea Zappe  ,  Bastian Kern  ,  Klaus Kern  ,  Joerg Wrachtrup  
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science

Synthetic peptides can nowadays be custom-tailored to one's needs to the extent that it is possible to determine their exact length and structure. Using such rather simple molecules, we propose using them,
together with a qubit, in the form of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond being the read-out platform, as the basic unit cell in a conceivable molecular quantum spin network. We demonstrate the features of this unit cell by presenting a detailed characterization of the different dipolar couplings between the qubit and a doubly-labeled polyproline molecule. Finally, we propose several schemes by which we envision applications for such a spin network, e.g. the understanding of the flow of information across a one-dimensional chain and the realization of a quantum critical point within such a network.